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8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

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a mechanical robot pressing a tennis ball
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By Faddy | Digital Nomadism and Programming Expert Read more

Dreaming of a digital nomad journey and looking to merge your wanderlust with a tech-savvy career?

Dive into our guide on the top programming languages that not only offer the freedom to work from anywhere but also promise a lucrative future in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned coder, discover the languages that can be your passport to the world of remote work and endless adventures.


Going on a digital nomad journey? The world of programming offers a plethora of opportunities for those seeking the freedom to work from anywhere. But with so many languages out there, which ones should you focus on? Let's dive into the top programming languages that can pave your way to becoming a successful digital nomad.


  • Javascript - An essential language for web and mobile development, enabling interactive and dynamic content on websites.
  • Python - A beginner-friendly language known for its clear syntax, with versatile applications ranging from web development to AI.
  • Java - A time-tested language offering portability across devices, primarily known for enterprise software and Android app development.
  • C# - Microsoft's versatile language, integral to the .NET framework, used for everything from Windows applications to game development with Unity.
  • C++ - A performance-centric language bridging low-level and high-level programming, popular in game development and system software.
  • PHP - The pioneering server-side scripting language that powers a significant portion of the web, including popular CMS platforms.
  • Swift - A developer-friendly language known for its elegant syntax, primarily recognized for rapid web development with the Rails framework.
  • Kotlin - The modern language for Android development, known for its concise syntax and interoperability with Java.

1. JavaScript

The Heartbeat of Interactive Web

JavaScript, often simply referred to as JS, is the scripting language that powers the dynamic and interactive elements of most websites.

If you've ever been amazed by animations, interactive forms, or real-time updates on a webpage, you've witnessed JavaScript in action.

For beginners, understanding JavaScript is crucial as it's one of the three foundational pillars of web development, alongside HTML and CSS. Its ubiquity means that even a basic grasp can open doors to creating interactive web content.

Frameworks and Libraries: Expanding JS Horizons

While vanilla JavaScript is powerful on its own, the language's true potential is unlocked through its myriad of frameworks and libraries.

Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js allow developers to build sophisticated single-page applications with ease. Libraries such as jQuery simplify complex tasks, making coding more intuitive.

For beginners, diving into these tools might seem daunting, but they offer structured pathways to enhance your JavaScript skills and create more advanced projects.

JavaScript's Appeal to Digital Nomads

For Digital Nomads: The world of web development is vast, and JavaScript sits at its core. Its omnipresence in web-based projects means a consistent demand for skilled JS developers.

Whether you're looking to freelance, join a remote team, or even launch your own web-based startup, JavaScript offers a versatile skill set that's in high demand.

Moreover, the vibrant global JS community is a treasure trove of resources, tutorials, and collaborative projects, ensuring that beginners have ample support on their learning journey.

With JavaScript in your arsenal, you're equipping yourself for a dynamic remote career, allowing you to code from the beaches of Bali or the cafes of Paris.

Choose JavaScript if You:

  • Want to specialize in web development, both front-end and back-end.
  • Seek versatility with a wide range of frameworks and libraries.
  • Aim for a skill that's foundational to modern web interactivity.
  • Want an easy way to host your web applications.
  • Plan to develop cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android using frameworks like React Native.

Best Resources for Learning Javascript:

2. Python

The Simplicity of Python

Python, often hailed as one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages, is known for its clear and readable syntax. This simplicity is intentional, stemming from Python's core philosophy that emphasizes code readability.

For beginners, this means a smoother learning curve and the ability to quickly grasp fundamental programming concepts.

Python's Versatile Applications

One of the standout features of Python is its versatility. While it's a top choice for web development with frameworks like Django and Flask, Python also shines in other domains. From data analysis with Pandas to artificial intelligence with TensorFlow, Python's extensive libraries and frameworks cater to a wide range of applications.

This versatility ensures that as a beginner, you're not just learning a language, but acquiring a skill set that can be applied across various tech domains.

Why Digital Nomads Should Consider Python

For Digital Nomads: Python's widespread adoption in the tech industry, from startups to tech giants like Google, means a steady demand for Python developers. Its use in emerging fields like data science and machine learning further amplifies its relevance.

For digital nomads, this translates to a plethora of remote job opportunities, be it in web development, data analysis, or AI.

Moreover, the global Python community, known for its collaborative spirit, offers ample resources, tutorials, and forums, making the learning journey more accessible and enjoyable.

With Python in your toolkit, you're not just gearing up for a tech career but also embracing the freedom to work from any corner of the world.

Choose Python if You:

  • Are a beginner seeking an intuitive start to programming.
  • Want to explore data science, AI, or web development.
  • Value a language with a vast, supportive community.

Best Resources for Learning Python:

3. Java

A Time-Tested Titan

Java, a class-based, object-oriented programming language, has been a stalwart in the tech industry for decades.

Its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), ensures that Java applications are portable across devices and platforms.

This portability, combined with its robustness and scalability, has made Java the go-to choice for a myriad of applications, from enterprise software to Android app development.

Frameworks and Ecosystem

The strength of Java isn't just in the language itself but also in its vast ecosystem.

Frameworks like Spring Boot simplify the process of building production-ready applications, while tools like Maven and Gradle streamline project management and dependencies.

For beginners and seasoned developers alike, this rich ecosystem provides the tools and libraries needed to build, test, and deploy applications efficiently.

Java in the Mobile World

Java's significance in the mobile app development landscape cannot be overstated.

As the primary language for Android development, Java offers a direct pathway to tap into the vast Android user base.

With the Android platform dominating the global smartphone market share, Java developers have a unique opportunity to create apps that reach millions of users worldwide.

Choose Java if You:

  • Are aiming for a career in enterprise software development.
  • Want to develop Android mobile applications.
  • Value a language with a rich ecosystem and robust frameworks.

Best Resources for Learning Java:

4. C#

Microsoft's Modern Programming Language

C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is a versatile, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.

It's a part of the .NET framework, designed to create Windows applications with ease and efficiency.

From Desktop to Web

C# is not just limited to desktop applications.

With ASP.NET, developers can craft dynamic web applications, making C# a language that spans multiple platforms.

Its integration with the .NET framework ensures a seamless development experience, from web services to cloud-based applications.

Gaming with Unity

One of the exciting avenues for C# developers is game development with Unity.

Unity, a popular game development platform, uses C# as its primary scripting language.

This allows developers to create immersive games for platforms ranging from PCs to mobile devices and even VR/AR environments.

Choose C# if You:

  • Want a language deeply integrated with the Windows platform.
  • Are looking to delve into web development with ASP.NET.
  • Aspire to create games using the Unity platform.

Best Resources for Learning C#:

5. C++

Bridging Low-Level and High-Level Programming

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that builds upon the foundations of C.

It introduces object-oriented features, making it a powerful tool for both low-level memory manipulation and high-level application development.

Performance and Efficiency

One of the standout characteristics of C++ is its performance.

Being a compiled language, C++ applications often outperform those written in interpreted languages.

This efficiency makes C++ a preferred choice for system/software development and applications where performance is paramount.

Game Development and Beyond

C++ has carved a niche in the world of game development.

With frameworks like Unreal Engine, developers can craft high-performance games that captivate audiences.

But it's not just limited to games; C++ is also used in real-time simulations, banking , and even space probes!

Choose C++ if You:

  • Are interested in game development or real-time simulations.
  • Seek a language that offers both low-level memory control and high-level programming features.
  • Value performance and efficiency in your applications.

Best Resources for Learning C++:

6. PHP

The Web's Pioneering Scripting Language

PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language.

Originally designed for web development, it's used to create dynamic content that interacts with databases.

Powering the Web

PHP plays a foundational role in the modern web.

It powers many popular content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

This widespread adoption means that a significant portion of the web, from blogs to e-commerce sites, runs on PHP.

Flexibility and Integration

PHP is known for its flexibility.

It can be embedded into HTML, making it easy to integrate dynamic content into static web pages.

Moreover, PHP seamlessly connects with various database systems, ensuring data-driven web applications function smoothly.

Choose PHP if You:

  • Plan to develop dynamic websites or web applications.
  • Want to work with popular CMS platforms like WordPress.
  • Value a language with a vast ecosystem and active community support.

Best Resources for Learning PHP:

7. Swift

Swift and Modern

Swift is a compiled, high-level programming language known for its modern syntax and performance-driven design.

Its focus on safety and efficiency has led to a language that's both robust and easy to use.

iOS and macOS Development

The primary use-case for Swift is in Apple's ecosystem, powering iOS and macOS applications.

Swift encourages the use of native APIs, promotes best practices, and offers seamless interoperability with Objective-C.

With Swift, developers can build high-quality apps that are fast, secure, and scalable, making it a favorite for both indie developers and large enterprises.

Strongly Typed and Protocol-Oriented

Swift is strongly typed and adopts a protocol-oriented programming paradigm.

This approach makes it easier to write reusable and maintainable code, while also providing compile-time checks for type safety.

Its strong typing also means fewer runtime errors and more reliable code.

Choose Swift if You:

  • Are focused on building applications for the Apple ecosystem.
  • Value a language that emphasizes safety and performance.
  • Want a modern, strongly typed language with a growing community.

Best Resources for Learning Swift:

8. Kotlin

Kotlin: The Modern Touch to Android Development

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Developed by JetBrains, it's designed to be fully interoperable with Java, while offering more concise and expressive syntax.

Android's Preferred Language

In recent years, Kotlin has gained significant traction as the preferred language for Android app development.

Google's official endorsement of Kotlin for Android means that it's optimized for building mobile applications on the world's most popular mobile OS.

Its concise syntax reduces boilerplate code, making app development faster and more efficient.

Multiplatform Capabilities

Beyond Android, Kotlin has capabilities for multiplatform development.

With Kotlin Multiplatform, developers can write shared code that runs on both Android and iOS, reducing redundancy and streamlining the app development process.

This feature positions Kotlin as a language that transcends platform boundaries.

Choose Kotlin if You:

  • Are focused on modern Android app development.
  • Want a language that offers concise syntax and reduces boilerplate code.

Best Resources for Learning Kotlin:

Programming Language Comparisons

LanguageAverage SalaryPopularity RankJob Listings (2022)Is Used ForGitHub RepositoriesStack Overflow Questions
Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps
Data Science
Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps
C++$74,9639878,783System/Driver Software
Client-Server Applications
Embedded/Firmware Systems
PHP$58,89911123,078Web Development111,3131,461,978
Swift$86,8972021, 624iOS Apps41,750330,840
Kotlin$78,2071533,315Android Apps

Citations and Data Sources:


In conclusion, choosing the right programming language is a pivotal decision for aspiring digital nomads in the tech industry. With 15 years of experience in programming and the IT sector, I can attest to the significance of aligning your skills with in-demand languages and your own interests. This isn't merely a step to secure remote work; it's a strategic move to ensure a fulfilling and long-lasting career in tech, wherever you choose to roam.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

Safe travels and happy coding!

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About the Author, Faddy

Faddy is a digital nomad blogger, currently exploring the beauty of Thailand. Faddy has embraced the nomadic lifestyle and is eager to share his experiences and insights with others. With a 15+ year experience in IT he has a keen interest in entrepreneurship and technology, he has successfully managed to juggle work and travel, embodying the essence of a digital nomad.

Faddy's journey is not just about visiting new places, but also about immersing himself in diverse cultures and experiences. Through his blog, he aims to help others find the harmony between work and travel, and to navigate the digital world with confidence and joy. Join Faddy on this exciting journey and discover the magic of the nomad lifestyle.

Read more about Faddy here